What I wish I learned in school.

What I wish I learned in school.

I wish I learned how to ask more questions and be wrong more often.
I wish I learned less about how to study for an exam.

I wish I learned how to find opportunities to do more projects.
I wish I learned less about how to be compliant.

I wish I learned more about my relationship with God and my faith.
I wish I learned less about religion.

I wish I read more books.
I wish I read fewer textbooks.

I wish I advocated more for myself.
I wish I stopped waiting for life to begin.

As I am thinking about "back-to-school," I am thinking about my nephew. I hope he seizes every opportunity to produce more work, fail and learn from challenges, and solve all sorts of interesting problems.

A special thank you to all the teachers in my life.
They promoted critical thinking, a deep curiosity, and an appreciation for humanity.

The over-explanation.

The over-explanation.

I took time off for a mini-vacation.

I took time off for a mini-vacation.