Interviews and thoughts.

If you’re interviewing for jobs right now - here are some recommendations:

  • Stop saying “sorry.” You’ve nothing to feel sorry about. You are so special, and your interview wants you to be successful.

  • Enjoy the moment. Interviews are opportunities to learn about people. You can learn so much by asking beautiful questions.

  • Enjoy the moment. Interviews are about sharing more of you. Go for broke. Let the interviewer know what you’ve accomplished, what your’e proud of - but don’t be too confident.

  • Be humble. You might not be what the interviewer needs. That’s okay. It’s not personal. Would you like your roofer to fix your plumbing? Likely not.

  • Say “thank you.” No, I’m not referring to formal “thank you” emails that people tell you to write. I’m suggesting you look at yourself in the mirror and thank yourself for making it through - for pushing yourself. Then, thank the interviewer for their insights, (hopefully) their candor, and anything else they might have given you.

I love interviewing people. For me, it’s the greatest privilege to learn and celebrate the stories of others.

I also love being interviewed. I’m proud of my story. It’s not for everyone, but I hope that it causes people to think a little differently.

Love your story. You have so much to share, and there are so many ways that you can make our world better.

We’re waiting for you.

Note: if you’re not interviewing for a role - share this with someone who is.

Whatever it is that you are.

Higher not Lower.