A better way to network.

Do you hate networking? Or do you love it?
The quick and transactional "hey, how are you, who are you, what can you do for me... here's what I can do for you... should we keep talking? Oh! Our time is up, nice to meet you."

What if there was a better way to network?

What if networking was "hey, I'm Trevor, here are the questions I love to explore... are any of these questions you're trying to answer? What questions are you thinking about?"

  • Networking focused on "here's what I can do for you" forces us to decide whether or not the other person can do something for us now. "I have a need now, you have what I need, let's talk."


  • Networking focused on questions moves us away from transaction and into partnership. "ooh, that person is answering a question similar to the one I am trying to answer, let's explore that together and help one another."

  • "Oooh, I've answered that question before... or knew someone that had... here's what they learned on their journey. Can I connect you?"

I'm starting to think networking events could be more... they could be events where fellow travelers come together, share what journeys they're on, and recruit fellowship for road - like Lord of the Rings, but without wizards and goblins.


What "Why" did for me and it might do for you.