It's not really about me.

“It’s not really about me, it’s about who I am a part of.” - Dad

Da is aging - he’s got Alzheimer’s and he’s degrading - that’s what sometimes happens. And it’s okay. He won’t be the last person to have it, and he’s not the first. And if you live with somebody who has Alzheimer’s, you’ll notice they have these moments of total clarity and profoundness. I had that moment the other day.

Dad’s right.

At a certain point, it’s not about you - but it’s about who you’re a part of. Who have have you left an imprint on? How have your decisions made someone’s life just a little better? How do you serve?

We’re a social and tribal animal. Who we’re a part of matters to us more than we likely realize.

All black.

Being kind to yourself.