What's the worst fate?

“There is no fate worse than being continuously under guard, for it means you are always afraid.” - Julius Caesar

Terrorism is a form of fear producing war involving the lowest amount of effort to produce the maximum amount of downstream consequences - including psychological. When you allow it, your mind is a terrorist.

I think that what we might fear most is ourselves. Going deeper, maybe it’s us holding ourself accountable. Perhaps we fear being held to account for our actions.

When we are held to account for how we behaved and why, we necessarily doubt. We go back in time and we wonder, was my understanding of the truth back then real? Life suddenly feels uncertain. Why should you be held to account for what you didn’t know?

Because what is certain is your present experience - right now. Now is certain. What you believe and what you perceive now is certain. You can only make decisions base on what is in front of you now. You must accept that there is more out there that you do not and can’t know; and that’s okay. And, you must accept that you will be held to account for what you do now; be comfortable with that.

Be comfortable knowing that you don’t know what you don’t know.

Be comfortable knowing that you know there are things you don’t know.

Believe that being perfect is being “a work in progress.”

The gut punch.

You've got this.