When taking on the big projects.

I’m reading Kenneth Feinberg’s, What is Life Worth? now. Feinberg uses the book to tell you the story of how he came to administer the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund. Later, the book would be turned into a movie starring Michael Keaton. As Kenneth describes how he stood up and administered the fund, one things sticks out — humanity.

In all that we will build, we cannot lose our sense of humanity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be able to replace many things, but it won’t be able to connect with you the way I am now. Why? Because I visualize you reading this email from your iPad, your computer, or with your coffee, or while in an elevator… I think about what your day might be like… I imagine what you’re thinking about… because it’s often what I’m thinking about. We connect.

When taking on big projects, like the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund or launching a new business, keep the humanity of those you seek to serve at the front of your mind.

It is through connection with the others that we make change happen.

The good books only get you so far.

Is leadership a thankless job?