Viola Davis, Maya Angelou, Tom Hanks, myself, and likely you ask the question, Am I good enough. Our biggest fans likely respond with, of course you are, you are great, you can do anything… but, we don’t believe them. In fact, like conspiracy theorists, we might actively look for evidence to prove our biggest fans wrong. Why?

Perhaps there’s a part of us that doesn’t want to accept that we make impactful work — that we have left our imprint on the lives of others.

Perhaps there’s a part of us that think it’s easier and more comfortable to slink into the shadows and not show up. Why bother, we’re not good enough the voice says to us.

Perhaps we are scared that the work we do might just work. What are the implications and ramifications of being right?

Many humans throughout our history asked themselves the question - am I good enough. Those same humans have made remarkable impacts on our world; and I think those humans would still continue to ask themselves that question.

You’re not alone.

HT to Hidden Brian for an inspiring podcast — click here to listen.


Interesting thought on exposure.