Programming patches.

If I’m playing a musical theater show or a pop show, then my role as the keyboardist is to come fully loaded with the right sounds. For instance, I’m playing “Treasure” by Bruno Mars today and there are specific bell, brassy, and electronic sounds required in order to render the song the way you know and love it.

I spend time listening to the song closely. I go through that process I wrote about in an earlier post. I wonder what combination of instructions or patches (musician term for “electronic sounds”) was used to produce the record. I research the production methods and I try to recreate the sound with my computer.

I test, fail, and retry. I compare my sounds against what I hear in the recording. I aim to get it as close as possible before I consider it “done.”

I spend hours in preparation.

Would you notice the difference?

If I didn’t do the work I did, you’d think something just didn’t sound right.

Intention and quality time whittling away at a craft, any craft, makes all of the difference in the world to those we seek to serve - our customers.

Interesting thought on handwriting music

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