Are we doing this or not?

Sean Evans interviewed Conan O’Brien on Hot Ones this week.

In case you don’t know, Hot Ones is an interview show. Sean, a skilled interviewer, and guest eat super hot chicken wings and talk about everything. Conan showed up.

As the show approaches the 11 o’clock number, guests are confronted with “Da Bomb.” A notoriously hot and disgusting sauce. In past interviews, people cried. Not Conan.

Conan doused his wings in this sauce — guests don’t do that — and then he slathered the sauce all over his tongue — nobody in their right mind would do that. Conan then said, “are we doing this or not? This is life.”

How many “doing this or not” moments do we pass up day to day out of fear?

The value of a job.

You're probably overthinking it.