Master the Medium.

A medium is any channel of communication (spoken word, art, music, written word, to name a few.) Go a step further; it means to create a bridge between two or more minds using a tool.  

This blog uses the written word, as a medium, to communicate what's inside my head to you.   

I've never been a great writer, but I'm working on getting better. Writing every day helps! However, what percentage of what I see and feel within gets transmitted to you? How much do you receive?  

As defined by Scott McCloud in his book, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art

"The mastery of one's medium is the degree to which that percentage can be increased, the degree to which the artist's ideas survive the journey."  

We master the medium by acknowledging a simple fact, to "master a medium" is to be an artist. We are all capable of being artists.  

The "be a better artist," mini-series starts today.

The Idea.

The Idea.

Learn to See. Learn to Speak.