The Art of being an agent - is there one?

The Art of being an agent - is there one?

Is there an art to starting an agency? 
Is there an art to being an agent?  
Absolutely! Of course!  

What do we know of art:

  • Requires an idea: The agent has a plan to improve the lives of musicians with jobs.

  • We need to use a form: Create a platform that connects musicians with jobs.

Here's where things, traditionally, go sideways:   

  • Pick the idiom: Create an agency.

  • Create structure: Musicians pay us 10% of their earnings for gigs, in exchange, we find them work.

  • Apply Craft: put up a website, contact employers, request their attention, and run ads on social media to attract talent.

  • Surface: make the website look nice, do more to make our talent look like artists, and tell our artists we'll "fight" for them to get the best money.  

I don't believe the current model produces art. Have we served our idea by asking people to pay 10% on wages that we can't reasonably deliver? Do employers buy the line that you're hiring the best?   

We can do better. Perhaps some of us do?

Art is the eye of the receiver - you, not the creator - the agents. I put it to you, how many agents do you know that create art?  

A New Idiom.

A New Idiom.

Something New!

Something New!