One Way to Help Each Other Get Better Gigs

One Way to Help Each Other Get Better Gigs

  • What if a community existed that connected, networked, and brought together musicians to help them get work?

  • What if, in that community, people offered a helpful critique of one another?

  • What if, like Reddit, we promoted up the people who were crushing it, and making the improvements to become better musicians?

  • Perhaps, employers would see the value in such a community and want to hire people from it?

If you're like me, you know a good idea when you see it, and you're happy to share it with others.

We can make this a better world for musicians to do work that matters. We need others to say it's the right thing and enroll. I'll be posting more updates via the blog.

If you'd like to follow the journey, please do!

Everyone wants to start an agency.

Everyone wants to start an agency.

Where's the carrot?

Where's the carrot?